Why the Porcupine?

So, why the porcupine?  Because, how cute is this little guy?!  Much misunderstood, the porcupine is not capable of “shooting” its quills — the porcupine has no offensive weapon.  Simply a playful and sensitive little rodent — like mice and guinea pigs — a porcupine’s quills are its defense.  Why does a dog get a face full of quills?  Because it approaches the porcupine as it does any other animal: by sniffing the porcupine’s hind parts.  With a flick of the porcupine’s tail, the dog and the porcupine quickly reach an understanding!

The quill pen, too, is an effective tool of understanding.  In this blog, my “quill” will be engaged in exploring the experiences, wisdom and perspective of women veterans, and this woman veteran in particular.  Along the way, I hope these reflections help both veterans and women in some sort of life transition.




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